The film is about a political struggle. It will therefore be choral, and the group will play an essential role. However, it will follow in particular some of the Socorristas, which will allow us to enter into the history.

Laura: With her sister Lidia and a handful of other activists, she is one of the founders of the socorristas movement in Cordoba. She is in her forties and works as a secretary in a clinic that plays a similar role to the Family planning in France.
Laura is driven by a desire to act, concretely, against this « shitty world » and against the system, which always charges women. Deeply scandalized by injustices, by macho attitudes, by the indifference of doctors who refuse to prescribe abortion drugs, she admits that she can easily get angry.

Lidia: She is the elder member of Cordoba’s group, at the height of her fifties. Before becoming a socorrista, she went through Trotskyism and trade unionism.
She works as a secretary at a school for the disabled. She has lived with her partner Gabriel for 30 years and has two grown boys. She juggles her life as an activist, her work, her family and her home. Small, she has short gray hair, a welcoming face, a soft voice that hides a certain firmness.

Sofi: She comes from the « Hilando » movement, a group of craftswomen which was created at the time of the 2001 economic crisis to enable survival in an extremely difficult context. Hilando and the socorristas have united in 2017 to form Socorristas Hilando. At 35, Sofi is an artist, now working as a teacher at the faculty while doing research on the relationship between street art and feminism.
With black hair, a vivacious humour, always ready to smile, she seeks to develop the artistic actions of the group. She prefers reflection and theorization to concrete action, or at least she would like to have time to reflect on her action while conducting it.

Valentina: With a purple-tinted fringe, the hair pulled up in a ponytail, just over twenty years old, Valen has engaged with passion with the socorristas after a year spent coming in dotted at meetings and workshops. Little by little, she takes responsibility, grabs the megaphone during the demonstrations, responds gently to women who call the public line, leads workshops. A social communication student, she is writing a thesis with a classmate about the media treatment of feminist movements in a small provincial radio station.
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