The right to abort has existed in France for the past 40 years. Even though I knew that this practice is banned in many countries, I had never been confronted with what this means concretely for women who find themselves pregnant and cannot choose to end their pregnancy. Living in Argentina at the time of the debate on abortion has allowed me to enter into this reality.

I decided to make a film related to this debate. I met the Socorristas Córdoba Hilando, one of the groups forming the network Socorristas en Red. This network is present on the Internet, in demonstrations, in the streets with the motto « We are feminists who abort ».

The film is about a utopia. It deals with how, through their commitment, women revolt against a system that outrages them. It testifies to the extraordinary ability of Argentine women to organize themselves against laws that oppress them.

The Socorristas Córdoba Hilando, as the other Argentinian Socorristas, support women during their abortion. They welcome the persons who need an abortion, give them information on how to perform this procedure with pills. Finally, they guide and reassure them remotely, by phone, during the abortion process itself.

They are in this respect the worthy heirs of all the pioneers who have allowed women to regain control over their bodies in the 70s, and in particular, for France, activists of the Movement for the Freedom of Abortion and Contraception (MLAC).

You can learn more about the characters of the film in this article.

Catégories : English

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